Community Update #21
Happy Wednesday hounds! April is about to be the biggest month Tally Ho has ever had. Are you ready?!
Happy Wednesday hounds! April is about to be the biggest month Tally Ho has ever had. Are you ready?!
Our APAC calls switched to a bi-weekly schedule, so we just had our usual Friday community call this week. Friday featured returning guest Lido, in honor of our official integration with them!
@LidoFinance makes a grand return this afternoon on our weekly Tally Ho Community Call! 📲
— Tally Ho! (🐶,🐶) (@TallyCash) March 25, 2022
Tune in at 2pm ET, via 🐾
Connect to using the @TallyCash wallet and stake your ETH in less than 30 seconds 🏝️
— Lido (@LidoFinance) March 25, 2022
As of Wednesday, the integration with Lido is complete! Lido is a liquid staking provider. In PoS, you’re traditionally able to stake and secure the network and get a modest yield or do degenerate yield growth— but you can't do both.
In comes Lido. Lido allows you to both stake and yield growth because you’re able to stake your ETH as a staker and then get stETH in exchange to do other things on the Ethereum network such as yield, farming, etc…
Lido started with 7 node operators, now they’re on to 24, beginning the next round next month. Their future roadmap includes: launching liquid staking on Polygon, launching on Polkadot, liquid avax, liquid near, liquid atom, and doing research and analysis on other PoS chains.
In the Tally Ho pipeline, a simple “Stake” button might be added to the wallet so you can directly interact with Lido from the wallet.
DAO Update
Kris just published our official DAO structure proposal!

Please participate so we can hear the community’s feedback. This process was designed to have a two-week period for voting in order to mitigate voter apathy, so delegates can plan around the voting window. Many other cool DAO ideas are in the link above, so please reply!
Product Update
The team is grinding on the most important aspects of the wallet & build quality, such as dropped trxns, and swapping to ETH. One of our final audits came back, and we're inching closer and closer to v1 launch!
Bug fixes (coming out in the next version):
● Added support for Ledger
● Added dollar amounts on trxns page
● Copy phrase to clipboard on seed phrase page
● Fixed sizing on ledger onboarding
● Housekeeping for assets cards. Swap button on assets card.
● Gas limit that is negative fixed
● Added Etherscan link to the asset card
● Balance automatically refreshes quicker now
● Can now remove addresses
● Slippage tolerance editable now
● Added feedback when you sign a trxn (“Transaction signed, broadcasting…”)
● Copy address by hovering over the address
● Nonce editing (coming in advanced mode soon)

Newest Dog Hunt: Shill Us Your Skills!
In case you missed the announcement yesterday in Discord, the packs have been sent out on their latest hunt! It's called Shill Us Your Skills. Objective? Shill us how good of a writer, content creator, designer, meme-er, etc!
The hunt? Create a solid piece of marketing content for Tally Ho, and post it to your own platform. Each pack member can work as an individual or in pairs/groups within their own pack.
Examples of marketing content you can create:
- A blog post
- An instructional or promotional video
- Infographics
Examples of platforms for you to post on: Twitter, (obvi) Medium, TikTok, Youtube, Vimeo
3.29-4.4: Create your content!
4.4-4.11: Publish content & blast it!
The winner will be chosen based on the following KPIS: Views, likes & RTs.
Happy Hunting!