Community Update #27

We’re back with a double feature this week for our favorite Doggos! It was a busy couple of weeks for Tally Ho, so this one will be packed with treats.

Community Call Guests

Since our last update, we’ve had Rocketpool, Ledger, and Mesh Finance on our community calls. Also, most of our calls are hitting nearly or above 1000 community members - so thank you all for making a point of joining us to get the latest news on our server each week!


Langers from Rocketpool joined our community call on May 8 to talk about their approach to liquid Ethereum staking.

Rocketpool is an ETH2 staking protocol that allows you to become a staker within the ETH protocol. Rocketpool uses a more decentralized model in comparison to other liquid stakers, which makes them slower to scale, but more aligned with the decentralization ethos. There are 172,000 ETH staked, and there are over 1,100 node operators in their ecosystem. Check out their network stats!

There are two ways to stake with Rocketpool. The first way is to swap any amount of ETH greater than 0.01 ETH and receive rETH, an interest-bearing staking token that collects rewards at a current rate of 4%. This requires little work and a decentralized set of nodes collect the rewards for the stakers. The second method of staking with Rocketpool is running a node that requires only 16 ETH instead of 32 ETH, decreasing the barrier to become a node operator.

Rocketpool also announced on the call that Tally Ho has been integrated as a wallet connection option - You can use Tally Ho directly on the Rocketpool dapp!


Rod from Ledger joined us on May 13 to speak about hardware wallets, the benefit of using hardware, and the benefits of the different ledger models. He also gave us a glowing review on how smooth the Tally Ho x Ledger integration is! If you want more details on that, check out our blog on connecting your Ledger.

Rod also shared with us a custom limited edition Tally Ho ledger that will be given away to the community soon! Watch out for details on how you could win this custom hardware wallet - make sure you're on our Discord server and follow us on Twitter!

One of the best hardware wallets we've seen 🐢

Mesh Finance

Mesh Finance joined us for the APAC community call on May 12 to talk about their community, their experience with StarkNet, their project Jediswap, and how to get Tally Ho functional on the StarkNet network. They are excited to see Tally Ho grow and add additional network compatibility.

Product Updates

A variety of updates from the team came this week - as we get bugs cleared up and add some new features, we are getting closer to the full version of the wallet!

Unstoppable Domains resolution is now integrated, so you can use your .crypto and other UDS alongside ENS inside Tally Ho. There is some quality of life and visual improvements made throughout the extension, including better error handling on the recovery phrase section of onboarding.

Features that were demoed but aren’t yet in the shipped version of the wallet included custom gas settings and multi-network support. Henry was able to use a developer build to connect to the Polygon network and load his ENS using Polygon as well. The Earn tab is also being worked on and finalized - all of the updates can be found on the Tally Ho Github. Other problems being worked on include smart contracts and bridging.

A screenshot of Henry demoing the unreleased connection to Polygon

The most recent version in the Chrome store is now 0.13.3 - make sure you are using the newest version to experience our latest features and UX improvements!

Flow of Funds Β - New Forum Post

We published a detailed exploration of how we envision the flow of funds through the Tally Ho DAO, from motivations to sources of income, to potential uses for funds in the treasury. There is the opportunity for the community to become much more involved in the economic design around the DAO as well - if you have an idea for a service, a yield strategy, or another way to generate new flows of funds to the treasury, we want to hear from you! Check out the forum post and let us know what you think.

As we continue toward the DAO deployment, there will be many more opportunities for community members to get involved across all DAO Packs, and in a variety of tasks and projects. If you're looking to get more involved, keep an eye on the Discord and forum, and reach out to get involved in an operational Den working group.

Dog Houses Updates

New house leaders were chosen through a Discord reaction vote in their respective house channel. The leaders for each house are now:

Border Collies: Vexter 🐾 (vexter.vladimir#5522), rskl (πŸ•,πŸ•) (rskl#1210), and tallystark.eth (πŸ•,πŸ•) (novaxbt.eth#7777)

Corgis: MrsNuCorgiBooty (🐩,🐩) (MrsNuBooty#0350), nikitakle (🐢,🐢) (nikitakle#4627) and Lepro (🐢,🐢) (Lepro#4657)

German Shepherds: JVK#6935, DenisKrivilev (πŸ•,πŸ•) (DenisKrivilev#5773), and commstark (πŸ•,πŸ•) (commstark#0695)

Shibas: TheDaylightCompany (🐢,🐢)#1371, Reza#2206, and ones#4195.

Congratulations to the new Dog House leaders, and we look forward to our future hunts together! πŸŽ‰πŸΆ

Even More Content!

If you're still digging for Tally Ho content to dig into, we've also got two recorded Twitter Spaces you can check out!

Adrien Lacombe from Ledger joined Matt on our most recent Found Hounds, to talk about wallet security and best practices in the space, along with comments on the current market conditions we are seeing. There were some great moments talking about the freedom and empowerment in this space that persists and powers development in the space regardless of the market conditions, and a comparison between seed phrases and spells. If you are new to the concept of a hardware wallet or want to know why it's so important to own your keys, this is a must-listen!

Our Community Manager Kris also joined the Zerion Wallet Wednesdays to talk about the bear market and the opportunities it presents for builders. If you've got the scaries setting in from the current trends, have a listen to this one for the silver linings of the bear market, and why this is the time to build!

That's it for now Doggos, but we've always got new things to share with our community and ways that you can get involved with the project and the DAO - join us on Discord!

If you want to catch all the updates and alpha straight from the source, make sure to drop into our community calls as well - Every Friday at 2 pm EST, and every second Thursday at 11 am EST!